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《砂之器》小說結構緊密, 人物龐雜, 牽涉的時地橫跨日本本州兩端/長達數十年, 本來概屬高難度的終極任務.




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 Top Ten Most Beautiful Korean Actresses
    This is my list of most beautiful South Korean actresses(You may wonder why Lee Da Hae,Park Min Young and other famous Korean beauties are not here: It's plainly because they're fake beauties who underwent plastic surgery and it will be unfair to other natural beauties if I include fake beauties here,right?)So, enjoy my list of well-deserved natural beauties!


1.Lee Yo Won
    She's number one on my list simply because she's so beautiful that I can stare at her for hours and never get tired of her superb beauty,and not just a simple beauty, but a classic,natural and timeless beauty.Add to that,I really like her height and great supermodel-like figure,she's a statuesque beauty! Not only that,she's a brilliant actress also! I can't understand people saying she has no facial expressions in her dramas,of course sometimes it's required in her role like being the Great Queen Seon Deok,she can't show any weakness. The first time I watched her was in her drama Fashion 70's and I said to myself, "who's this angel-faced beauty Iam seeing?" ,she's like an angel fallen from heaven and I began to research about her and I was fascinated!
 Lee Yo Won is still beautiful while crying!

2.Lee Ji Ah

Another angelic beauty on the list is Lee Ji Ah! I'm not so amazed by her acting but the first time I saw her,I'm really like,WOW! I love her face structure,it's finely chiseled but her features are soft and very girlish.She has a very unique look and a charming aura.

3.Lee Young Ae
   The first time I saw her,I was really captivated by her gentle eyes and very pleasing aura.She may not be the sexy type but her wholesomeness is what made her more attractive to me.


4.Lee Tae Ran
  Is it just me or she looks like a combined Park Ye Jin and Son Ye Jin? Well, I think she's more beautiful than those two. I am so captivated not only by her beauty but also her regal charm and graceful moves.Her height,her amazing posture and her strong presence really pulled me into her.And I love her eyes,it's so expressive.

5.Choi Ji Woo
 Oh! Where will I start? Well,I love Choi Ji Woo's beauty coz it's so feminine and gentle(though sometimes I don't like the blank expression in her eyes) and even though she's not that tall,I'm drowning in her regal presence!


6.Ha Ji Won
  At first look,she doesn't seem beautiful to me,but the more I see her,the more she looks amazingly pretty! And she's one of the most striking Korean actresses I've ever saw.Her strong appeal is like a gravity pulling you into her.Her face, has a very beautiful features and her face alone has a very strong personality.

7.Park Ye Jin
 Park Ye Jin has a very strong facial features but it's so strange that her screen presence is so gentle.I like her gentle stare balanced with,like I said,very strong features isolating her eyes.I like her angelic smile too, complete with usually rosy cheeks.But I'm not into her acting so much,not that it's bad but sometimes she's like lacking in oxygen or something.

8.Han Hyo Joo
   I love Han Hyo Joo so much! I love her amazingly natural beauty.Her eyes,though small,at least she's not like the others who forced themselves to have a western look(which I will never understand coz asian beauty is so special and it's a shame not to be proud of it.).She has a very angelic face and I like her screen presence coz it's so light and I can't see a reason to dislike her. Her fragile looks and frame makes her more attractive and she always have that damsel-in-distress look which makes her more endearing.

9.Jeon Ji Hyun
  Jeon Ji Hyun first captivated me by her super girly pretty looks in My Sassy Girl and I liked her since then. People always argue if she underwent plastic surgery but I don't think she did,her eyes are not so big but it's very expressive and she don't have double eyelids so I never think she did.I also love her boyish but sexy aura.

10.Kim Tae Hee

  Many might wonder why she's just number ten,but I can;t relate to people saying she's the prettiest Korean
actress,not that she's not pretty but I'm not into her beauty that much,like when she wear bangs,I don't like her look so much,and I don't like the shape of her eyes so much.But then again, she's in the list!!! What I like about her face is her elegant nose(I hope it's not by surgery) and facial structure which I think is her best asset. But I'm not into her acting,she always bore me.

And that's it! Again,don't be angry if your favorite is not number one or not in the list at all,i'ts just my opinion:)


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5 Most Beautiful Korean Actress
 Previously we've discussed 10 Sexiest Korean Actress, and we know that the drama, film, music and Korea increasingly popular the last two years. One reason is the beauty of the Korean actress. This time we discuss some of the most beautiful Korean actress who is famous for its smooth skin, physical beauty, and extraordinary talent, who may also be part of the 10 Sexiest Korean Actress we have seen previously

1. Kim Tae Hee

The beautiful Kim Tae Hee is probably the most beautiful Korean actress of her generation. Exhibit "angel face" a natural, Kim Tae Hee is the kind of woman who might hate other women. Not only a talented actress and has several successful Korean dramas like "Stairway to Heaven", "Iris" and "My Princess", Kim Tae Hee is also excellent student who graduated with a degree in Fashion Design from Seoul National University.

Kim Tae Hee last play is a Japanese series "Star Boku no 99 Nichi". She plays the Korean actress who falls in love with ordinary Japanese boy.


2. Song Hye Gyo
Song Hye Gyo famous in the Philippines for playing the popular Korean drama "Full House" and "Autumn in My Heart" or "Endless Love". From the pictures alone, her beauty was evident. Song Hye Gyo came in fifth Independent Critics list for the World's Most Beautiful Faces.

Famous for its white skin, Song Hye Gyo is a Korean cosmetics model, Laneige. He is also known to have romance. The fair is already twice suffered a broken heart who gets the spotlight, including with Lee Byung Hun ("All In") and Hyun Bin ("Worlds Within"). Song Hye Gyo will appear in the film "The Grandmasters" with Tony Leung and Zhang Ziyi.

3. Lee Da Hae
Lee Da Hae so far is the sexiest a Korean actress. The actress has been active on Korean entertainment  since 2002. She was famous for her drama "Green Rose" and "East of Eden." Lee Da Hae was taking time off career in 2008 after leaving the "East of Eden" because of health problems. In 2011, she returned with a successful drama starring Mickey Yoochun of JYJ in the series "Goodbye Miss Ripley."



4. Ha Ji Won
Ha Ji Won face may not fit the standard of beauty in general. But its charm comes from its simplicity and style are a little boyish. Not just a pretty face, Ha Ji Won is also one of Korea's top actresses because of her talent. He can play any genre of film comedy, romance, action, and even horror.

In the Philippines, Ha Ji Won known for his drama "Secret Garden," "Hwang Jini," and "Memories of Bali." This project is the latest action film "Sector 7." Indeed, Ha Ji Won have the aura that made her the center of attention.


5. Han Ga In
Han Ga In has one of the sweetest face among Korean actresses. She became famous in Korea since play as Lee Mi Ok in the drama "Super Rookie" with Eric Mun from Sinhwa. Married to Yun Jung Hoon ("East of Eden"), Han Ga In was recent on the Korea entertainment and focused on project CF (commercial film). Han Ga In to play in the Korean drama "The Moon That Embrace the Sun" in 2012


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